Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Yeah, It's Been Awhile...!

Ok, Ok.  You know it's bad when you look at the last post you wrote and you see it was TWO YEARS AGO! What?? How the heck did that happen? Well, it's time to whip this back into shape!  

A lot has happened since we last spoke :)  Kacey and I both had babies! Crazy!  2 little girls, Stella and Sloane, and they are just amazing.  Apparently having a baby takes up a lot of your time.  But now the girls are past the really little newborn phase (Stella is 16 weeks, Sloane is 11 weeks), and we are ready to focus on our first love again - MUSIC!

(Sloane on left, Stella on right - just holdin' hands!)

Together, Kacey and I are working on several projects.  From a Christmas Album, to writing new music, to a Daily Inspirational website for pregnant mamas (with our older sister Kara)...we've got lots going on!  And Kacey is back in the swing of things, auditioning for new stage shows! In fact, I just left her house where she was working on a monologue and 16 bars of a contemporary show tune for an audition tomorrow.

Sigh.  It feels good to be back :)


(At the lake this summer, post babies, hanging with family - this is Kara, our older sister!)

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